Let’s meet this week’s Flag On The Play contenders – Someone please tell me why Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky has asked for a new trial? Not because he didn’t do it, but because some of the statues of limitations expired. Get outta here; British Olympic diver, Tom Daley thought it was ok to wear the logo “BRITISH GAS” across the back of his swim trunks; the New York Giants left their cars unlocked, when they went to San Francisco. When they returned home, thieves had broken into their vehicles and one car was stolen. Hello, that was just crazy. Not the breaking in of the cars, but the leaving of cars unlocked; the Steelers Ta’amu was suspended for 2 games for driving drunk, causing a police chase, attempting to run over police offers, crashing cars, and running from the scene of an accident, but the Saints’ Vilma and crew get suspended for the season. Good job, Commish Goodell; MLB umpires need glasses or an eye transplant. They kept making bad calls all week. No wonder my Yankees are at home. A-Rod is upset, not because they are out of the series, but because his days of flirting while playing ball is over; all of these are great contenders and Sandusky is the runner up, however there is someone a little more deserving. OJ Simpson, this Flag On The Play award belongs to you. Why are you asking people to sell the supposedly murder weapon used to kill your wife and her boyfriend for millions of dollars? Next week, the person who bought it will be the award recipient. You are in jail for attempted robbery do your time and get out! Enough already.